Don has you covered with the Vid...
The 2.5 to 3 thous. is Good... .0025.... .003..
When the cam-plate is put on and checked, It usually shows MUCH Less than the first crank check because the cam-plate crank bushing
Holds the crank from the Little Wobble it has without the plate. UNLESS the cam-plate Bushing is worn and it Will over time.
IF some Cranks are out like .006 or more, A Tight bushing will hold the wobble to some degree Until the bushing Wears... Then you will see More at the crank with the cam-plate on... VIBRATION will show up when wear is there...
One owner said When the bike was new, IT never Vibrated and after 12,000 miles, now it SHAKES... The Crank was probably Out and the wobble was held to a minimum then Wear and the Wobble got worse and Worse...
Harley Raised their specks to a higher number so that they didn't have to replace the Mass of out of Speck cranks... ? on where they are now... Asking the HD service techs may get you an abundance of answers:newsmile100:
At or Under 3 thous. at the crank on the cam side with cam-plat off is good.
More than 4 to 5 :bigsmiley15: in my book.

mine was .0015 the
5 tents was because I could see the needle Barely move a tad on the .001.
Somebody made a slip with the hammer pounding the cranks together on MY bike:newsmile100: