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Crash Bar help?

So the Pic that NEWHD74FAN posted in an earlier post looks like a mustache Bar with Highway pegs also mounted. Isn't that the best of both worlds?? As easy as that sounds I never even thought about it. Are mustashe bars meant to have highway pegs mounted? I have actually never seen this on any bike before, I have only seen one or the other.
I think NEWHD74FAN has a Lindby bar with foot pegs added.
Had a question regarding a normal Crash Bar with highway pegs or a Mustache Bar. Which one is better/ more comfortable for the long haul? I definately need one of the two. Also, I have looked at the ones HD offers, but are there any aftermarket options out there that can beat the HD price? All the aftermarket bars that I have found are the same if not higher than HD.

The crash bars on my bikes have probably saved the turn signals, gas tank, brake levers, and who knows what else from the few times I have done something stupid and ended up with the bike on its side. The time or two I laid it down, I know the crash bars and the bag brackets helped to keep the bike up off the road surface. Hard on the crash bars and brackets, but that is what they are there for!! I recommend crashbars and brackets where applicable.

I have the HD Mustache Bar on my bike. It's ok - I like the way it looks, but you're not going to stretch your legs out much on the footrests (if you're 6'5"). I hardly use it for that purpose, and if I were to go for a long haul, I'd buy pegs. You can do both, so buying this over a conventional bar isn't going to limit you. Unless you want fog lights too.

Had a question regarding a normal Crash Bar with highway pegs or a Mustache Bar. Which one is better/ more comfortable for the long haul? I definately need one of the two. Also, I have looked at the ones HD offers, but are there any aftermarket options out there that can beat the HD price? All the aftermarket bars that I have found are the same if not higher than HD.
I have the full Lindby highway bars...and funny thing I have used the top position on real long drone-ing rides so my legs were actually fully extended like a "Barco Lounger".

No matter what ya call them, when skid bars do the job one time, you are glad you had them.
I like the full roundness of the HD engine guard that I have on my EG, However; the Lovely Mrs. Slapp doesn't like that roundness on her full engine guard on her Heritage. She wants me to take off the HD engine guard and put the moustche type Lindy bar on, as it gives her more leg extention options. To each his own thats what will make it your bike.
Thanks for all the input. I think I am going to go with the Linbar and pegs. Going to shop around. Will update after installation