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Crash Boom Bang!!!

Slapp, it's easy for us to say what we would or would not do in this situation. I have a daughter that just turned 23 and if she did this to my bike I would no doubt go ballistic and she would cry and blow snot bubbles and be all sorry,but in the end she would step up and do what ever it took to make it right.That is the way she was brought up.I would no doubt later apologize for losing my cool and and there would never be any doubt that I love her and expect her to always be responsible.Of course it was an accident,but not stepping up and taking responsibility is inexcusable.Sorry to be so hard on the girl but she has a whole life ahead of her and it's time to grow up.Glad to know that no one was hurt and that you'll get to roll with the bros.Gods Blessings to you and your Daughter.
"My daughter on the other hand feels she should not have to pay the deductable($250)"

She did it, even if it was an accident, she is responsible and should step up and make it right...however if she doesn' problem...she's an adult...time to grow up and realize next time she ask's to borrow some can tell feel you should not have to...she's an adult living on her own
Just put some hair remover in her shampoo bottle.:D

Easy Glider...don't want to break your routine from helping others fix things, not get 'em in trouble...:no

On the other hand, if she does not pay the Tom said remind her the next time she asks to borrow money that you don't "--feel like you have too...cause you got to pay for your bike to get fixed." :newsmile04:
A real bummer, sorry to hear about it. However, once you sit in a car, a bike can be hard to see in the rearview mirror, depends a lot on what kind of a car it was. I can understand being mad, but hollering at her will not help, it's not like she did it on purpose. Get in the car and see for yourself whether or not the bike would be obvious in the mirror, remember that she is probably shorter than you. Then give her a hug, tell her you still love her, and get the bike fixed. Be glad no one was hurt.

AMEN! Well said Jake and I agree.

No injuries to you other than pride and a few days without your ride, but your daughter will carry that incident with her for a long time. Time for a family "group hug".

"My daughter on the other hand feels she should not have to pay the deductable($250) though. As I started to get mad about that, I counted to ten and explained I was not the one who hit the motorcycle so you are paying."

Yes, she should...stick to your guns,not all,but a very high percentage of this generation never accept responsibility for their actions, it's always someone else's fault, never theirs:newsmile055: letting them off the hook doesn't help them one bit, she didn't check before she got in the car if their was anything behind her in the way, regardless of where you parked the bike, so it is HER fault, taking responsibility for your actions is the first sign of being an ADULT...time for her to grow up!!!

Good to hear you'll be on the road to meet up with your bro's, enjoy yourself:cheers
Well today is the day, I am unsure where all of you are at but it is 6:28am here and I have been up since about 3:45am. Couldn't sleep, wondering what is going to happen with my bike. Will they have it done so I can ride? They told me they would but you know how that goes. I guess time will tell.
For all those heading to Daytona Beach for Biketoberfest have fun, be safe, and enjoy yourself to the fullest. I hope to see you all there.
For those of you unable to make it down or up what ever the case may be, we will miss you, but by all means make your own Biketoberfest wherever you may be. You never know it just might catch on and we will be riding to you.
I will keep you all posted.
Smitty, you are right no sense getting worked up over it but now, Thursday has come and gone and the bike is not ready. When I called yesterday they said it would be ready to pick-up by 9am and by the time I got off the phone with the guy it was pushed back to 1pm. The dealer said they had a couple of tickets before mine yet they had the bike since last Sunday.
Brother flew in late yesterday afternoon and is down in Daytona already.
OOOWWWWW always me. I swear sometimes I just wonder why. I am sure I have good KARMA. I am the guy who stops and helps the people fix their flat tire on the side of the road. I once towed a guys motorcycle (he was on the side of the highway brokedown) from Wheeling, West Virginia to Washington, DC so he could make it home to see his kids. I give to the homeless. You would think just once things would go my way. I know it sounds like I am (EDIT) and I guess I am, but all I want to do is just ride down to see my brother for a couple of days. Oh well if worse comes to worse I guess I can take take the cage down there.

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Everyone feels the way you do at some point and time. Don't let it ruin your health. Bad things happen to good people and it seems like bad people always come out on top. When you are a nice guy people will take advantage of you, and that's wrong. But it isn't really always that way. Just look around at some other poor soul that has it really bad, like finding out they or a loved one is dying or they lost someone.
When I feel down I do that and suddenly I feel that I'm pretty lucky compared to them.
I know we all look forward to doing things and sometimes our plans don't pan out the way we want them to. Don't let it change you, keep doing the good samaritan things, people like you are getting fewer all of the time and it reflects in our nation. Keep your chin up and I hope things work out for you and you get to ride.
Next time something happens to me like happened to you, maybe you can lift me up and help me and encourage me.
Remember in the end all of our deeds will be judged, and those that did wrong and made out before will be held accountable. Life isn't always fair but God always is.
Take care and keep up the good work. God Bless:)
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