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CTRL. button and scroll wheel on mouse

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Well once again thanks to HD Talking and it's members. I have just learned something new. Again.:D
I'm with you there. I have a thumb ball mouse for my laptop. My "office" is a laz e boy in front of the tv. I taped a postcard thickness piece of cardboard over my touch pad to prevent that aggrivating problem. :s

I finally used a large yellow sticky to cover the mouse pad. It only took me 9 months to finally get aggravated enough to do it. lol
windows 7***
grab top of a window and shake left to right all other windows minimize.

drag to top of screen and release to maximize. drag down off top and release to restore to original size. not great but comes in handy.

also if many windows are open hold 'windows' key then tap 'tab' to cascade windows. tap 'tab' repeatedly to cycle through your windows for the one you want... this is helpful if remembered.
CTRL + backspace will delete an entire word at a time. Since I learned that one, I'm using it almost all the time. Same works with CTRL + arrow keys (left & right) to navigate through a text quickly.
I'm lucky, my laptop has a button to disable the touch pad. Don't know why they all don't have one.

I am sure they do. When booting BEFORE windoze takes control,, go into SETUP mode of Bios. It will be something like pushing F2 or DELETE key BEFORE windoze takes over. Page forward & you will see a enable/disable for the touch pad. Disable the feature,, Do a Save & Exit.
Every laptop I have even seen has the ability to turn it off.
I swear (settle down Glider) I cant believe the things you can learn at, .COM
Sometimes right click will bring up various menu options depending on where the cursor is. It's nothing you cannot do another way but it can come in handy.
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