free website stats program Custom fork length. | Harley Davidson Forums

Custom fork length.

M' one.

Active Member
Anyone out there know a formula or rough rule of thumb for deciding fork length for different rakes?
Thanks for that Glider, it helped. Got offered a 6" over front end at a good price and as I've only started on the frame I was wondering if it would suit my plans.

Glide-man, you are astounding...someone said you are a mainframe in the heavily fortified vault at HDT...pounding out those responses one at a time...:newsmile057: Making a believer out of me! :newsmile026:

Funny that how this post happens after BigHairyDog shows the vid of a guy in the"How Long a Fork is Too Long" gotta love this Site! :D
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And for all of you that wanted to know what I look like, here's a recent photo of me.


I dont care who you are, thats funny.....

I'm guessing the wire that goes up into the ceiling is a direct feed to the nuclear power plant that is actually 20 stories above you on the surface??:bigsmiley10: