Just throwing out some info here. I agree that normally the mixture screw and slow jet produce the only fuel at idle. I have worked on lots of carbs and have always believed that statement.
But, I bought a 99 softail last year to play with, the previous owner said the carb was outfitted with a Dynojet kit but it ran very rich, I could see that by the sooty exhaust and plugs. It ran terrible rich at idle, it would make your eyes burn. I couldnt get much of a response by adjusting mixture screw so I tore into the carb expecting to find a much too large slow jet. To my surprise I found the jetting was still stock with a 42 slow and 170 main. I scratched my head for a bit, then thought maybe enrichener valve leaking by but that wasnt it either. What I did find is that the needle on the slide had been improperly installed, there was significant up/down movement of the needle when everything was put together (slide stationary). Upon disassembly, I found that no washers were used on top of the e-clip on the needle as needed to remove this movement with a dynojet needle. I installed 3 washers above the e-clip and reinstalled the spring seat, this took all movement out of the needle. Re-installed carb and it ran properly with no rich idle and I could set idle mixture properly. What I think was happening, at least in my case, was the needle would "lift" pulling a little fuel out of the main at idle due the the major play in the dynojet needle which has a much different taper than a stock one. Maybe OP can check for play in the needle. Sorry for the long post, just tryin' to give some ideas.
Now, I just finished installing an EV-27 so let the re-retting begin..........:s