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Dang deer....

Glad you're OK. There are plenty of them around here too. Read an article in a local newspaper about a lady that hit two recently within 10 minutes. She was driving a two lane highway at night and had one run out and into her SUV. It did a lot of damage to one side but the vehicle was still driveable and she wasn't hurt. When she called the ISP, they told her since she was near home to drive on home rather than sitting on the side of the highway waiting for them. Just before she got to her driveway another deer ran out and into the other side of her vehicle. State police dispatcher couldn't believe it when she called the second time about hitting another one.
Glad you weren't injured severly.. Wish was a way could say how to avoid a deer but sadly other than absolutely staying alert to the best of your ability don't know of anything else that be done .. Some say just ride during the day but was at 2, In the afternoon on a bright sunshine day was the closest I ever came to a deer mishap...

Yep, overall the deer are getting more and more conditioned to civilization. This adaptation to being around people combined with hunger will bring them out at any time and any place.
Right now it is especially bad due to it being that time of's the age old struggle and they only have one thing on their minds.
The bucks are sayin...commear-commear-commear, ya know I love ya baby.....and the does are runnin yelling getaway-getaway-getaway!!!
Just like Saturday night at the local watering hole...ya don't want to get caught in the middle of that.
Ride safe and careful!!!!!!
Right now it is especially bad due to it being that time of's the age old struggle and they only have one thing on their minds.
The bucks are sayin...commear-commear-commear, ya know I love ya baby.....and the does are runnin yelling getaway-getaway-getaway!!!
Just like Saturday night at the local watering hole...ya don't want to get caught in the middle of that.
Ride safe and careful!!!!!!

Perfect analogy! :cheers
I have never been deer hunting in my life.......but alas,I have killed 2. One with a truck,one with a car. Ya'll be careful out there.When the bucks are in rut,they forget everything except chasing does. You just become an obstacle in their way.