I was there from Thursday afternoon through Sunday about 1PM. It was crowded at all of the venues, but Bike festivities in Daytona are now so spread out with the Ormond Beach/Destination Daytona, Main Street, New Smyrna/Cabbage patch and the South A1A area activities its hardto tell anymore. I'd say Main Street was as jammed as its been the last three years or so. THe one thing I did notice was resturants, the bars, and hotels didn't seem to be doing too bad, but I didn't see a lot of people buying merchandise, except for the t-shirts. Might have just been my perception.
I sat up on the balcony at Wiseguy's all three nights watching the world go by under me. Agian, might have been my perception, but there were a significant number of sport bikes and trikes over previous years. A lot of them were the same bikes just making laps on Main Street, but there seemed to be a significant number of them around. Most of the bikes that parked o the sidewalk were H-Ds as most of the sport metric guys didn't seem to park and leave their rides.