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Decreased H-D Quality for 2010 Models

As with any mass-produced product, there are going to be a certain amount of blemishes and "oops" spots. Even with those you've got to admit the overall product produced by the MOCO is still top-notch. I'd rather have a few blemishes on an otherwise great product, than to see them priced out of business in the current economy.

Next door to my office is both a Harley dealer, and a metric dealer (Honda & Kawa). I had to go into the metric dealer last week to get a part for my wife's bike, and I noticed their new bikes just don't have the shine and attention to detail the H-Ds have. I've ridden metrics, and they have some good bikes, they just don't measure up to Harley for fit & finish.

I agree. My son was a sport bike rider for a time as were a lot of his friends. The fit and finish on their sport bikes was not anywhere near the quality of my 09 Road Glide. The fit and finish on my 05 Goldwing also isn't anywhere near the quality of my 09 Road Glide. Even the after-market parts for the HD have better fit and finish than the after-market parts for the metrics.
If you pay close attention to detail like I do, you'll also find that the welds on the frame are lacking too with the powder coating done over the welding flash without smoothing any of it out. The quality and finish has declined in place of higher profits and cheaper ways to manufacture parts for a healthier bottom line and better return to the share holders.
It's the same with many products but until the consumer airs their distastes with the product and the quality/fit and finish , it will continue to manifest itself in poor quality and high/higher prices. We as the consumer accept entirely too much in poor quality just to carry on the heritage of HD and in return we get the lame excuses from dealers instead of the service we are entitled to for the price of the product we purchased.
Dealers make on average about 3-4K on the sale of a touring bike and when a problem arises, they want us to believe that they aren't making a profit and try to brush us off wit excuses like "they all do that" which in most cases aren't true.

OK, I'm done now :D

Amen!!! :devil
Thanks for all of the feedback. It appears as though I am not the only one who has noticed these changes in manufacturing practices.

Believe me, I understand the current economic condition we now live in. It is difficult to capitalize on waning profits when volume is low. Here is where a difficult decision befalls corporate management. H-D has one of the strongest brand followings of any other label across all industries. As demonstrated in this thread, we Harley owners have a sense of pride in our ride's quality and finish. Rather than lowering the manufacturing costs, in hopes of increasing profit margin and inflating the corporate earnings, supply should be tightly controlled and prices increased (as we saw in the 1990s). Quality should remain stable or increase; not decrease.

This brand can survive this economic model due to its historically achieved commodity-like status (I still recall my economics professor saying, "A 'Harley' is not a motorcycle or motor vehicle... it is a 'Harley'").

MSRPs have remained stable (for the most part) while production costs have presumably decreased (by observation of finished product). This is the AMF school of thought (as well as Yamaha and Honda in the 1980s and 1990s). Harley-Davidson need not lower itself to the loose mass-production quality standards when they are still recovering from the bad publicity of the AMF years. This WILL damage the MoCo in the long run.

Just my $.02... I'll continue to pay for quality.

BTW: To those who said you would take a 2010 model for "free," your claim further exacerbates my point... but would you pay $20k+ for it?
After reading this thread, I went out and took a close at mt SG. I didn't notice any bad welds, but I'm curious if anyone has seen or heard of ant of these problems on the 09s?
After reading this thread, I went out and took a close at mt SG. I didn't notice any bad welds, but I'm curious if anyone has seen or heard of ant of these problems on the 09s?

I have an '09 as well. Different manufacturing process apparently, as I do not have rough exposed sheet metal joints either (or else I would not have purchased the bike).
I Think its the 010 models in play here the welds look bad on the frames and the gas tanks JMO lesser grades of metals and possibly the robots not set correctly wrong wire for welders pick one . I still would take a 010 if some one wants to make a donation
I will also take any 2010 Harley that anyone wants to give me. It will be tough for me to do but I will make the sacrifice for the good of the Harley community. I will only ride it at night so the public cannot see the "flaws."
i remember bein in a honda dealership getting atv parts in the late 80's. while waiting, salesman seen i was on a harley and started bashing them, told me the shadows tanks were hand painted and harleys were done by robots and how many jap parts were on a harley.

i asked him how many AMERICAN parts were on a honda? he stopped dead inhis tracks and walked away.

stuck with me forever.

harley could put a rusted out dented tank on my bike, i know the better part of my check is staying within my boarders
harley could put a rusted out dented tank on my bike, i know the better part of my check is staying within my boarders

I am with you on this, It is HD for me, period. BUT, reading this thread does not make me feel any better about trading off my 05 for a 09. I have not had any problems, but after reading this I will start looking, just in case. Is this problem getting worse each year? :(