OH DEAR.....I was thinking everyone loved dear meat...
We do but not the road kill. .. .. . .... .
I think any animal when spooked becomes unpredictable. I have seen Deer, cows horses and sheep on the roads in Minnesota Thank God I never hit one:s
Nothing and I mean nothing Kuryakyn on my bike. Deer belongs on the grill. Bodeen
Hay...Im not into all the bells and whistles but now that we are talking deer..3 days agow I was walking out frunt of my home, cleaning up and some deer left his leg as a calling card....Im not kidding....Does a deer foot bring you good luck? To tell you the truth it was kind of nasty . I wonder what happened..? Must be someones whistle quit working.. I also would like to ask you guys that have them, how can you tell when your whistle doesnt whistle? After all you dont get much for five bucks and thay did came from walmart...![]()
The problem here is a lot of words are being lost and methods of using spoken language are often copied from popular tv shows usually from USA so perhaps in a few years no one will understand me
You do that and you won't be able to get near the car due to the swarm of crows and the odd hawk!:bigsmiley21:
And after you hit and antler sticks in fairing , body shudders few other saddle bag few other minor ding you gut it throw it on and ride two till you get were your were going One of 4 Dave has hit
Not to oversimplify things but here's what I think - deer are some of the dumbest creatures on Earth and NOTHING you do is going to stop them from jumping in front of you. Not loud pipes, not whistles, nothing. Best to just increase your awareness and drive defensively.
You have to love what the guy has done "decorating his bike AND bringing home the venison". What is the saying, "--here is making the most out of a bad situation better...":51: Sad thing is it is only a "2 pointer" and game warden would probably give him some flak for not having a license or permit to "carry"![]()