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Did Anyone Get In A Ride This Weekend?

Both days we had nice weather in NE Ohio so was able to get out for a couple of good rides, first this year and boy was it fun.
Steve Di., Do you the big guy with the Yellow Pearl Road King???? If so he's a co-worker of mine. Good guy.

Fatboy, I don't know him but have seen his bike. It's a nice ride. Tell him to keep a look out for a guy on a Black-Cherry colored Heritage. I will stop by Honey Dew on Wednesday, my day off. I just heard the temp will be close to 60 and it will be mostly sunny on Wednesday.

I plan to get some more riding in then.
Man...I am green and slimey with envy. My bike is still in the garage mostly together, although I still have to sort out this brake issue on the sidecar and am waiting for a headlight modulator. Then there is the issue that there is about 100 feet of heavy snow between the road and the barn/garage.
Heading out this afternoon, gonna be over 50 degrees. Out of work at 1:30 on the road at 2:30. With luck tomorrow too!
Ayah, the weather was very un-March like for Maine so I got a short ride yesterday. Got my chores done so I think I'll take another today, just to see how much mud I can stir up.
It was pretty nasty here in Houston all weekend, so we didn't get out. By nasty, I mean 50 degrees and raining. Nothing for some of you Northern folks, but weather like that pretty much shuts the riding down in these parts. It's really bad in the dead of winter when it dips below 40 deg!