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Did the "Complete" Oil change today

Does the oil flow into the filter throught the center, where it screws on?


No. Flows IN through outer small holes and Out where it screws on.

You never see pro mechinics going to all that trouble.

Pro Mechanic working on wet sump or dry sump? Makes a difference on a dry sump to me.

I am also now doing the flush thing. But you are correct,,, It is more work and it is somewhat of a messy job.

On my bike & oiling system, I find it amounted to about 22 oz of extra dirty oil. It was not too hard to do on my Dyna but on some models it is harder.
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Glad you can do your own oil changes but why all the hassle. The small amount of the old oil isn't going to do a thing to your engine or any thing else. You never see pro mechinics going to all that trouble. Just changing you oil on a regular basis is the cheapest preventive maintanence you can do.

Would you do an oil change on your car that holds maybe 5 quarts and leave ONE quart of dirty oil in there?

I do this on all my bikes and maybe the reason you don't see "pro" mechanics do this is because time is money and they are working you your engine :D

I can definitely see a difference doing the complete oil change as opposed to a partial change , the oil stays cleaner longer.
I agree with Harry that fighting with the oil line is the hardest thing about the complete oil change. I loosen the clamp that holds the heat shield and move it so I have a bit more room. Well worth the effort to change all the oil instead of only 75% of it. "Pro" mechanics could care less about your ride so they would never bother changing it all.
I do the complete oil change also. May be a little more work but I want all the dirty oil out I can get.....<><
I'm thinking of cutting a section out of the return line & going back with a piece of braided oil line... to give more flexibility for future changes. any feed back on the lines and fittings will be appreciated... what I want to do is leave the quick disconnect at the tank, and spice in a section in the 3/8" section before it goes behind the exhaust header to keep as much heat away from the line as possible. I'm not use to working with the braided line so this will be new territory for me... Do the add-on fittings hold well? I certainly don't want a leak.