NHD, I can only say 2 words here, 'Singletrack Rocks! I have many hours in good old West Virginina peddling 'til my hearts content.As the Lone Ranger said..."Whoa big fella..." just take the mountains and roads at 8/10s pace...you'll be fine! I like the feel of a mountain bike slipping and sliding, but only on single tracks (after a long early spring warmup)...too easy to get twisted up and shortening the riding season by doing the really knarly stuff...downhill riders are a little "sublime" eh...Hobbit!
For anyone who wants some killer singletrack that will make you cry, just go to Pocahauntas County, WV & do Props Run. 5 miles of killer downhill that is so much fun, you have to peddle the whole way down. SCHWEEET! You will promptly act like a 12 year old on a bicycle. You will love it. If you were one of the fortunate early riders that got to do the original Props Run, you have been blessed. Then the forest service oversaw a timber job, but they worked with the timber company & rebuilt the trail and retained the brutal pleasure. It is still awesome.
I now ride the beautiful mountains with a rumbling engine, still way cool, but I can't do my favorite single track on the harley. :s