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Disk locks.......

I've written before about a video I saw in Daytona years ago. It shows a biker locking his bike's ignition and a disc lock. He walked into a bar and a pick up with 4 guys in the back rolled up and picked the bike up and put it into the back of the truck. Total time for the theft, 12 seconds. I keep a chain and hardened lock with the bike and lock it to another bike or something permanent like a utility poll. Your call.

That's why alarms in conjunction with either chains and padlocks or disc locks or ground anchors are a better proposition.
'Our' Harleys come with alarms as standard fitment: I don't understand why that isn't the case Worldwide.
Further, there seems to be a couple of alarm manufacturers in the U.S that make good systems, cheaply.

Why don't you ( the O.P) fit a Gorilla or a Scorpio alarm?
Good advice biscuit, alarms and proper locking device give you about as much protection as you can get. Throw is good insurance coverage and you should be set. The new GPS tracking devices with software could also be another key.
I'm nearing 100,000 on my Classic If someone steals it I get a new one. :D
I use one and it does the job but spend the extra buck to get the line that goes from the lock to your hand grip as a reminder its on, as for the key my key won't come out of the lock till it's locked.
The disk lock I bought at Wally-World years ago came with a corkscrew springy cable you hooked on the end of the throttle. You'd have to be pretty absent minded to ride away like that.

The guy who suggested locking the lock when not in use; pretty smart. I've kept it locked because it won't fit in the little bag (along with the twirlly cable) unless it's locked.

That's the same logic to setting your security every time the engine is off (even in your garage). That way you can't go off on a ride and forget your keys.
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I use one when I'm out of town, parking my scoot in a hotel parking lot. My FLHR weighs about 850 Lbs. wet so if someone+3 want to carry it off, my fall back is good cycle insurance. I just don't want to make it easy on a thief. When traveling, I'm usually with a group, not all use the locks. Its the same as two guys running away from a bear, you just have to be faster than the other guy.
When I ride I hook my lock thru my belt I always know where it is
I have had the same lock for 4 bikes now
Hey all
Just any of you use those disk locks? Are they any good.....any downsides to them? I am thinking about using one for night time parking on road trips etc.

Ok, I'M the guy that forgot to remove it and took off from the curb... on an old ultra. I ended up keeping it off the ground when it immediately jack knifed but It fell so far over I couldn't get it back up and had to be rescued. Needless to say, NOW I have one of those curly cables that goes from the lock to the ignition.

I look at it like a theft deterrent. It's not going to keep any one serious from stealing it but if the fork is turned and locked with a disk lock on it, maybe they'll move to easier pickings. I only use it at rallies or when I'm going to be away from the bike for a long period of time.