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Do you let anyone ride your bike?

Nope, never, not a chance, I don't think so, hahaha, yeah sure, right after pigs fly, not before they hand me the check for the full amount, not in this lifetime, I will never drink that much, you kidding me?

There. That should cover it for me..:D
I've swapped bikes with a few of my friends just so they can see how a real bike rides. I would be very reluctant to loan it out, but I do have a few friends and relatives that are that close and I wouldn't hesitate to loan it to them. They are good enough people that they would never ask though. I do carry insurance if anything was to happen we would just file a claim and get HER fixed. Yes my bike is still a girl.:skipping
Only the HD tech after service to road test. Anyone else would have to pry my cold dead fingers off the grips.

My neighbors brother in law said someone let him ride their brand new Harley. I told him that was nice of them but he wasn't riding mine. I think I hurt his feelings. :D