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DOT & Helmet Laws

I fly an EMS helicopter for a living. I get to see first hand the results of a crash with and without a helmet. I wear a helmet.
I fly an EMS helicopter for a living. I get to see first hand the results of a crash with and without a helmet. I wear a helmet.

To touch on the subject, when I was looking to buy a helmet I talked to a couple who both ride (one of which is an EMT) and they strenuously object to modular helmets. He he had seen one too many fatalities due to the construction of the modular. Just thought I'd share.
To touch on the subject, when I was looking to buy a helmet I talked to a couple who both ride (one of which is an EMT) and they strenuously object to modular helmets. He he had seen one too many fatalities due to the construction of the modular. Just thought I'd share.

There are 5 of us on the flight team that ride, all of us wear DOT half helmet's. Never heard any of the med guy's say anything about a specific helmet, except wear one!
So I guess I have 2 questions regarding helmets, I"m curious......[/COLOR][/U][/B]
Do you where a helmet at all? Why or why not? (obviously this would be according to your state laws but I'm curious about folks who live in a "no helmet law" state but still wear helmets)
Do you wear a DOT helmet? Yes or no and why?[/QUOTE]

I wear a shorty DOT for warm weather and have a open face DOT w/shield for cold weather. When I started riding 27 years ago there wasn't a helmet law in Manitoba, so I occassionally rode without. The next year they came in with the helmet law so I've been riding with one ever since. Started out with a full face on my naked Honda, but after I put a windshield on I went to a 3/4 and only used the full for cold days. The older I got the more annoyed I was with a lack of peripheral vision and having to tilt my head down to see the guages when wearing a full face, that I never use them. They are there for my passengers that want to wear them though. My wife wears an open face with a shield since the wind hits her more being a passenger and she found the full face too confining.
I've thought of going helmetless again but it just feels naked without it. I wouldn't ride without a helmet any more than ride without eye protection; just not worth the risk.:newsmile036:
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A couple of summers ago I rode all summer wearing a non dot shorty. In Oct. I was headed to work around 5 AM and it was cold. I put on my chaps, heavy leather jacket, gauntlet gloves and full face helmet. Halfway to work a truck turned left in front of me. I almost avoided him but seeing I was going to catch the rear bumper I laid my bike down. The last roll I took I slid on my back and as my head came down I thought "sure glad I have my good helmet on." The helmet had scratches on the face shield and both sides of the back of the helmet where my head dribbled like a basketball. Oh yes the guy drove off and left me on the road.
I have always worn a helmet because its the law here in the uk
most of the time its a full face helmet as the visor is great for stopping the rain drops from stinging my face however if it is sunny it stops all the flying beasts
i also wear a jacket with ce armour protection boots and armoured gloves
having been riding for many years i have met the road at speed once or twice and wearing protective gear did prevent further damage than i actually got
and perhaps the time i met in with a car i may not have survived had i not been wearing a helmet took about 9 months to be able to walk properly again

Here in NJ we have to wear helmets, and they must be DOT approved. IMO, wearing an approved helmet is like wearing seatbelts, it's common sense. I know that there are those amongst us who will point out the loss of free choice, and to an extent, I can see their point. But if I ever fall from my scoot, I can't fathom hitting the pavement without a helmet.
I alternate between a dot approved 1/2 helmet and a non dot lid. Even in non helmet states, mostly because my visor reduces the glare (I wear glasses). I lived in FL most of my life, and rode with ABATE to the capitol many times to protest the helmet law. When they repealed the law, I decided I needed to keep on wearing a helmet.
And wearing a clean head rag sure does cut down on the Funkiness inside the lid.
To touch on the subject, when I was looking to buy a helmet I talked to a couple who both ride (one of which is an EMT) and they strenuously object to modular helmets. He he had seen one too many fatalities due to the construction of the modular. Just thought I'd share.

By modular I'm going to assume you're talking about the chin button/flip up type of helmet. I did a LOT of reading before buying my modular full face helmet last week. I'll bet the problem helmets your friends are referring to are the ones with non-metal locking mechanisms. Several articles I read expressed concerns about these helmets staying closed upon impact. Otherwise I saw no evidence that a modular was more dangerous than other types.