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Dyna Beads and Nitrogen

I started running nitrogen in my Fatboy when I had to replace my first set of tires after they began wearing badly due to under inflation. I didn't notice the tires running low and checked them probably once a month. I have noted the nitrogen filled tires stay full much longer and I have had to add only once in the last 4 months, though I still check them monthly.

The beads sound like a gimmick to me.
Stick with the dynamic balancing and check the tire pressure when you ride whether it be daily, weekly or monthly. It's just as important for safety as it is for wear too.
Maybe I don't understand the laws of physics. I don't understand how a product loose inside a tire could balance the tire.


Wouldn't this make the tire more out of balance?

Maybe I don't understand the laws of physics. I don't understand how a product loose inside a tire could balance the tire.


Wouldn't this make the tire more out of balance?


Well,if you get going really, really fast they will even out and balance the tire!:lolrolling
I don't believe in them and wouldn't use them. The dynamic balance with the add on weights is the only positive way IMO.
I agree with Glider but have used the Dyna beads in one application. I had a Ural and the front wheel was welded out of round. It used to start a vibration in the bike at about 55mph. It could not be trued and instead of buying a new wheel I tried the Dyna beads. They did help ....
I use Pure Argon. Love it for bike and all vehicles I have. Cost a little more nitro does exc job.

I am not telling you what to do, but using Argon is a risky move over using Nitrogen. Look at some rubber compatibility charts for both Argon & Nitrogen and I think you will agree. Unless you know the exact composition of your tires I would not use Argon. Buna-N, Hypalon, Neoprene, natural rubber and many others are on the "do not mix" list. Nitrogen is safe for all types & kinds.

Why did you choose Argon to start with?

I am not telling you what to do, but using Argon is a risky move over using Nitrogen. Look at some rubber compatibility charts for both Argon & Nitrogen and I think you will agree. Unless you know the exact composition of your tires I would not use Argon. Buna-N, Hypalon, Neoprene, natural rubber and many others are on the "do not mix" list. Nitrogen is safe for all types & kinds.

Why did you choose Argon to start with?

Show me a link?? All searches say it is used in luxury auto tires. It is more dense than nitrogen. It is just a little more expensive. It is also used to kill chickens (mass) when there is an outbreak of bird flu. (Joking) with that last sentence although it is true.