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Early reminder, watch out for those side streets

As dangerous as the autobahn can be with the high speeds and all, i prefer them to the US highways not because of the high speeds, but because drivers in Europe are very courteous, will let you in, let you pass them etc etc. I know it is a law to move over when not passing and also to not show aggresion towards other drivers, but what ever it is, the autobahn is much better then any highway i have ever been on in the US. Actually, the only thing i can recall that was worse in Europe was the lack of A/C, beyond that, everything was better in Europe. I know, some will say that if i like it that much better there, why don't i go live there, well trust me, i would if i could, and i could go on all day about why i think it is a better place.
I agree with the thought that the high speed was the fault! I almost got run over by a group of bikes last summer that had to have been doing 110 mph or more!!!

I was in the left lane on the highway cruising at 75mph....checking my mirrors I saw a group of bikes behind me. Trying to be a nice guy I checked the middle lane and signalled to move over to the middle lane to let them pass me in the passing lane. Just as I started to move over to the middle lane they came flying by me on my right like I was standing still and one of the riders hit his breaks because I almost came over on him! He had the nerve to flip me off!!!!! Guess I was supposed to know they were doing over double the speed limit!!!!!!! Now if they hit me who was to blame!!!!

Learning point for me here is to tripple check my mirror before moving over because a second glance does not work if someone is coming up on you at warp speed!!!!
I agree with the thought that the high speed was the fault! I almost got run over by a group of bikes last summer that had to have been doing 110 mph or more!!!

I was in the left lane on the highway cruising at 75mph....checking my mirrors I saw a group of bikes behind me. Trying to be a nice guy I checked the middle lane and signalled to move over to the middle lane to let them pass me in the passing lane. Just as I started to move over to the middle lane they came flying by me on my right like I was standing still and one of the riders hit his breaks because I almost came over on him! He had the nerve to flip me off!!!!! Guess I was supposed to know they were doing over double the speed limit!!!!!!! Now if they hit me who was to blame!!!!

Learning point for me here is to tripple check my mirror before moving over because a second glance does not work if someone is coming up on you at warp speed!!!!

Your answer is in your post, you were cruising in the passing lane. Not enforced over here, but the far left lane is for passing, when you are not passing, you are not supposed to be in the left lane. Also, passing on the right is illegal, but again it is not enforced. Answer; well, no one wants police out writing more tickets, so how about some personal responsibility. When not passing, move over. Not the ultimate answer, but a good beginning.
My take is the driver of the car was not at fault. They had no way of knowing the person on the bike was doing close to double the speed limit and would be approaching twice as fast as should be expected. The person on the bike should be glad he didn't get himself or someone else killed.

I agree. I bet 50% of all motorcycle accidents are caused by rider himself. I see it all the time. Guys blasting in & out of traffic, taking chances like nothing can happen. I do the speed limit and they blast by me (especially metrix bikes) like I am strapped to a tree.
Your answer is in your post, you were cruising in the passing lane. Not enforced over here, but the far left lane is for passing, when you are not passing, you are not supposed to be in the left lane. Also, passing on the right is illegal, but again it is not enforced. Answer; well, no one wants police out writing more tickets, so how about some personal responsibility. When not passing, move over. Not the ultimate answer, but a good beginning.

(EDIT) ....not the response I was expecting!!! You are really suggesting that I was at fault by traveling in the passing lane! Look at your reponse.......NOT ever enforced! These retards were doing a buck 10!!! AND I WAS MOVING OVER SO THEY COULD LEGALLY PASS ME ON MY LEFT! As I stated.....I moved over because I was expecting them to be coming up on me me at a somewhat normal rate of speed...not light speed! I think you may need to take a long look at your answer and realize that anybody traveling over 100 on the highway is at fault no matter what the happens in front of them!!!!

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A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

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No, not implying that you were at fault. But, your not supposed to be cruising in the passing lane just as much as they are not supposed to be going 100 mph or passing you on the right. No good answer here, but bottom line i guess is that right or wrong really doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you make it home alive.
No, not implying that you were at fault. But, your not supposed to be cruising in the passing lane just as much as they are not supposed to be going 100 mph or passing you on the right. No good answer here, but bottom line i guess is that right or wrong really doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you make it home alive.

I suppose you're right in that two laws were broken here almost causing the crash. However in my defense I think my broken rule would have been far less a crime if it were one that was actually enforced vs. getting pulled over for doing twice the speed limit.

BTWI did receive a warning from moderators stating I was borderline "flaming" another member so I'll apologize for that in the forum here. Just get defensive on the subject!
I suppose you're right in that two laws were broken here almost causing the crash. However in my defense I think my broken rule would have been far less a crime if it were one that was actually enforced vs. getting pulled over for doing twice the speed limit.

BTWI did receive a warning from moderators stating I was borderline "flaming" another member so I'll apologize for that in the forum here. Just get defensive on the subject!

I'm the one that issued the warning. I know sometimes we all get pretty emotional about certain topics, but it's imperative that we all pause a moment and review our posts before finally hitting the "Submit" button. It's one thing to have a lively debate about something but we moderators will not tolerate anything that even remotely sounds like flaming or personal attacks.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program!!!
As dangerous as the autobahn can be with the high speeds and all, i prefer them to the US highways not because of the high speeds, but because drivers in Europe are very courteous, will let you in, let you pass them etc etc. I know it is a law to move over when not passing and also to not show aggresion towards other drivers, but what ever it is, the autobahn is much better then any highway i have ever been on in the US. Actually, the only thing i can recall that was worse in Europe was the lack of A/C, beyond that, everything was better in Europe. I know, some will say that if i like it that much better there, why don't i go live there, well trust me, i would if i could, and i could go on all day about why i think it is a better place.

That comment earned you a couple of free beers when you're here on your next visit!
That was definetly too close!!! The speed limit is 100 kph? The speedo looks like it says 175 or so (110 mph)!! We all sometimes go a little too fast in some situations and need to be prepared for the worst. Fortunely this rider was and definetly knows how to brake in a panic, stop, and check his shorts.

My take is the driver of the car was not at fault. They had no way of knowing the person on the bike was doing close to double the speed limit and would be approaching twice as fast as should be expected. The person on the bike should be glad he didn't get himself or someone else killed.

The tall grass didn't help either one of them, but driving at that speed on a back country road without a clear line of sight can be a recipe for disaster.

He's very lucky it just ended with him checking his shorts and stopping to calm his nerves.

Those side streets and intersections can be very hazardous. Have to remain vigilante when cruising them since you never know when you'll come across someone who "didn't see you" and pulls out.