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Electrical Problem with shifter lever on 06 Dyna

He put the altenator in a week before the problem with the jiggle just to clear up any confusion. I took it to him and he said the battery cable was loose. I will pick it up in the morning
Well after taking it back he said the battery cable was loose so he tighten and thought the problem was solved but it wasn't so I took it to Harley and they ran the scanner and go no faults with the exception of o2 sensors not responding. They wanted to tear down the exhaust system to troubleshoot it at $70.00 per hour. I said not. They said it seems not to be charging and that I may not make it home. I said I was wiling to take the chance, I got home and took the exhaust system apart myself and found that one of the wires on the o2 sensor was not quite connected . I bought another one put it in and it has been running fine, that one wire wreacked havoc for a while but finally I got it. Thanks for the suggestions