Well-Known Member
The last pressure test was with the damaged carb seal in. did again with the new s&s seals and all is good. Been getting it out a little the past few days trying to get some breakin miles on it. Runs and sounds great. Had another thing I intended to work on after the engine, an oil leak under tranny. At first thought it was from oil drain plug because I had over-tightened it last time I changed oil, but on closer look found it was coming from a bolt on corner of oil pan that was loose. tightened it and one next to it that wasn't tight. leak still there. Well, first couple days of riding the leak almost disappeared, then came back a couple days ago. Checked oil level this morn and it showed at full hot level on stick. started bike rode it into the garage. shut it off and checked, back to full cold.
Good news on the top end. Are you sure the oil leak is motor oil? Sounds to me like the primary or transmission could be the source of the leak. Get the underside of the trans, pan and primary really clean and dry to try and locate the source.