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Engine Braking

"Bliping" the throttle refers basically to double clutching which is when you give the throttle a quick twist to bring the RPM's up to about the speed that the engine will be running at in the lower gear. To be effective however in the true sense of the word the "bliping" should be done with the clutch lever released to spin the next lower gear up to speed but this usually isn't the way it is done by most.

Which you can only let the clutch out and blip the throttle in a car because you need to be in neutral. Can't do that on the bike unless your going 2nd to 1st.

Bliping is a cool word. blip blip blip:newsmile024:
Raising the RPM, and the words for me is a Constant Meshing tranny... Eh:s

I use mild enging breaking while applying breaks at the same time. I don't rely only on engine breaking to slow my bike to a stop......imo and the way I was taught to ride by the safety foundation gurus you should use both. Engine breaking should not be too many have said it will cause un-necessary wear and tear and nobody behind you will see any break lights. I engine break more for the fact that I am in the correct gear to apply power and be able to acclerate immediately if needed rather than to help slow the bike. Don't want to be in 4th gear and have to hit the throttle to avoid something.......would look like a fool trying to pull the clutch and tap dance on the shifter to get down to the gear I need! I do blip the throttle to match rmps as well. Just gives me a smoother down shift.