Smitty, I've been in Lacrosse a few times, but since it was during USMC cold weather training at Ft. McCoy didn't have my bike with me

I'm convinced the Lenale fan does cool the engine and it's cooled it an average of 11 degrees in the 22 different readings I've taken so far. Today was 99 F degrees with a heat index of 105 F. It was downright brutal at the stop lights, but the fan kept the engine cool enough to not have any problems (other than broilling me to at least medium well done).
I'm thinking I can get better readings with the IR thermometer. I need to find a less reflective target on the engine. I've been thinking I could use the oil filter for a target, but I wouldn't be able to take the measurement while "on the fly" even if stopped at a light. I'd need to pull over, keep the bike running, dismount, take the temp, and then then hit the road again. Ahhhhh, but then I've got a chrome oil filter anyway, so it's highly reflective, too. I'll play around with other targets on the engine this weekend.
Hey, the fan does work to cool the engine (how much and if it's really enough is still a ?). I know I switch my fan on at every stop. It certainly doesn't hurt anything and at least it makes me feel better hearing those fan blades wind up with that high pitched buzzzzzzz.