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evo 1340 Cylinder Base Gasket Leak

First of all you can ride it cold just avoid hard use for a while until it reaches operating temperature.As far as why yours began to leak I'd suspect age.Gaskets do get old and dry out leading to cracks and tears.Oh and the worst thing to do to a bike is let it sit for long periods.Try rotating 5 bikes.
First of all you can ride it cold just avoid hard use for a while until it reaches operating temperature.As far as why yours began to leak I'd suspect age.Gaskets do get old and dry out leading to cracks and tears.Oh and the worst thing to do to a bike is let it sit for long periods.Try rotating 5 bikes.

Yep, I guess your right. When I bought it, it was leaking and was told cylinders were too warped to save, so I replaced the cylinders and that was 3 years and 20+ thousand miles ago. I guess it is time. It's just the back one leaking but I will definately do both. Won't take too long and I do my own work, so It will be an inexpensive job.:D