I think this is normal. I believe that what is happening is that the mesh seals are displacing and working in. Each time you heat and run there is some vibration and toque loss (not interface loosening), due to the nature of the mesh. It is only slightly compliant, and will not come back once displaced. I believe if you continue, you will displace and crush the available compliance out of the seals and develop a leak over time.
The torque is not expected to remain so high, it is to initially crush and conform the seals to match the mating surfaces and seals. The manual says to torque them once, ride to full temp, let cool and repeat...once. The seals should then be mated to the surfaces to seal, retaining some minimal compliance.
If you are concerned about loosening from where they are, double-nut, to keep them where they are now. You shuold be good, unless the new seals have been over-crushed already.
I had concerns with my new SE seals, as I put them in, that they would not stay tight (nature of a fine wire mesh). It might be my nature to over-think things, but I these thoughts are what I came up with, and so far so good.
Rich P
Took me too long to post, and others came to similar concusions. Like minds and such.
As you were,
Rich P