Doone, DAA, DAA, Doone................ :bigsmiley36oof
(that's supposed to be dramatic music)
Glad to see the POOF button on this one. I was starting to look on my keyboard for one. Glad you're still looking in and POOFING when needed Glider.Hoople is FAR from a "techie" as you put it and if you post asking for opinions and you get opinions, there's no need to disrespect anyone.
Also NO language at all is accepted here.
I think we all understood the frustration and dissapointment that this poster feels. To have the amount of work done only to have it granade after 7 miles cannot be fun. I fail to understand people who are looking for information and than attack people who are also looking for information so that they can form an opinion. If you are new to the HDT forum and have suffered through this type of interaction on other forums, please have the courtesy to think of the person you are responding to. We only ask that you be objective and thoughtful with your interaction. The language rule here is a no brainer, even if you think it adds color to your post, it will only lead to further usage and someone will take offense. This seems to lead to a feeling that you have to defend yourself. Maybe HDT is looking for the exception rather than the mundane, the thought provoking and not the tunnel vision. JMHO HDDon
I think we all understood the frustration and dissapointment that this poster feels. To have the amount of work done only to have it granade after 7 miles cannot be fun. I fail to understand people who are looking for information and than attack people who are also looking for information so that they can form an opinion. If you are new to the HDT forum and have suffered through this type of interaction on other forums, please have the courtesy to think of the person you are responding to. We only ask that you be objective and thoughtful with your interaction. The language rule here is a no brainer, even if you think it adds color to your post, it will only lead to further usage and someone will take offense. This seems to lead to a feeling that you have to defend yourself. Maybe HDT is looking for the exception rather than the mundane, the thought provoking and not the tunnel vision. JMHO HDDon
TQ thanks for the cold one. I guess what I was trying to get across to any new members was that the moderators do not use the POOF button without cause. We all lose when anyone is excluded from the forum. We will never get to know if the exiled member has something to add. We will never get to see what depth of knowledge was there, what type of passion they have for motorcycles and the HD brand. This is a loss we should all feel. Understanding that this is a special place on the WWW, and that we protect it from all types of degrading and unfriendly acts is the basic reason that it is special. I hope that all new members will read the rules and understand that while we are a fun loving group, breaking the rules will not be tolerated. In society and on this forum your rights end at the end of your fist and the tip of the other persons nose. You have the right to speak freely, but not at the expense of offending anyone. Please think before you type.