Personally I'm not big on warranties. If you are the type of person that prefers to have a Harley mechanic do all your work then it's definately a good deal and I'm sure will save you money in the long run. However, half the fun for me is working on the bike myself and fixing my own problems. It's usually not very expensive for the parts alone and I like spinning wrenches as much as I like riding.
To each their own. The real advantage I see in the warranty is repairs on a long trip. I typically ride locally and the farthest I get from home is about 200 miles. At that distance I can call a buddy with a trailer to pick me up and bring me home. If I ever start doing serious long distances I will probably buy a new bike with the warranty.
The furthest I have been from hom is over a thousand. If I need a major repair and I am that far fromhome, I will rent a uhaul van an do the repairs at home....but my last trip was only a fork seal and I had the replace the tire while they were at it...300 bucks. Plastic took care of that...first repair in 4 years. My bad, rear rocker box leaked and cost me 15 bucks for parts.
So far I have spent 315 bucks, and as long as I don't have a 1,000 parts bill b4 May I will be ahead of the I did not buy the warranty that the dealer makes over 300 bucks selling it to you....