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Fall asleep while riding?!

My wife fell asleep on the Trans Canada in Saskatchewan - felt her fall off right side - caught her by scruff of her shirt just before she hit her head - talk about close call trying to pull her up ,keep bike up ,and fully stretched to left grip , she has never fallen asleep since that I know of . Now with ultra she is a lot more secure.
The first time I overheard someone talking about falling asleep while riding a motorcycle, I couldn't believe my ears. I've heard it again from a different fellow, talking about a marathon ride from Ohio to Texas in 21 hours. He fell asleep and woke up still riding!

Anyone else been lulled to sleep by their ride?
I wouldn`t even want to trailor my bike that far in that amount of time!!!
it happened once. in 2002 I was returning from Fl. back to New england. I had left fl about 9am. On I95 somewhare in Va. I was aproching a bridge, when all of a sudden there was no bridge. found the bridge about 1/4 mi. behind me in the mirror. pulled into a rest stop about 1 mi. later and slept, no, passed out, on a picnic table for about an hour. ended up doing 1650 miles in 28 hours. I'll never try that again!
Never happened to me . Yet. One friend after a long day at work rode 30 miles to the beer joint. On the way home. By the way he rode a Gold Wing. This is like 1980. He woke up riding on the shoulder of the road in the opposite lane.
Around that same time period my cousin was on a trip. While riding thru Kansas on the interstate (that itself will put anyone to sleep) in the morning after riding alnight. He woke up sliding on the left hand side of his Super Glide in the right hand bar ditch. Luckily all was well. Good Lord was watching over him that morning.:TEXAS