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Favorite movie quote?

I can't remember the title of the film, but Charlton Heston is a Captain on a submarine,and he says that he feels like a one legged man at a ass kicking contest.
"I like to watch" spoken by Peter Sellers in the movie Being There. Or maybe it was Forrest Gump when he said. " I drank 13 Dr. Peppers and now I gatta go pee.
I don't watch much tv, but there are a bunch of shows I watch when aimlessly surfing......let's see,

several lines from Pulp Fiction, "you want some pork? no, I don't eat pork. Why, you Jewish or something? No, I just don't dig on swine.........(it just goes on and sadly I think I could right it) Don't forget, "say what again mother(edited) wwwwhat? Oops.

My Cousin Vinny.........let's favorite......"Identical"....

Cool Hand Luke, of course, "What we have here is a failure to communicate" and don't forget, "sometimes nothin' is a pretty cool hand"

Not too bad for me, (if you heard how many times I said, "no, I haven't seen that one".:D
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The Blues Brothers (loosely quoted) Elwood:" It's 100 miles to Chicago. We've got a tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses" Jake:"Hit it!!" A classic I've used myself many times.
My other favorite......