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few weeks i just purchase 08 glide classic got few questions

Glider, after reading the self help tips on oil recommendations, I can see you've done your homework.
Thanks for all your good advice.

You'll find that the trans oil will usually come out as clear as it goes in unlike the engine oil. I don't recommend anything unless I have found it superior to other products and I do not sell anything so I have no reason to recommend it either unless it's proven itself to me.
You'll find that the trans oil will usually come out as clear as it goes in unlike the engine oil. I don't recommend anything unless I have found it superior to other products and I do not sell anything so I have no reason to recommend it either unless it's proven itself to me.

What about your stocks in Pledge?:bigsmiley20:
6 speeds only came out on the baggers in 07

Right. The original post from XBAJBUSX was about his '08 EGC. I assume he has a 6-spd on that bike. From what he says above, jjrj has had a 6-spd gear set put in the tranny on his '04. I put a SE 6-spd on my bike which is an '03. So the suggestion about using the Spectro 6-spd gear lube is for those bike where it is applicable.

nice thanx for all the info and my tranny is 6 spd i love it

im gone be using 20-50 w fully synthric oil from amsoil is that good?

can i use 75-90w gear oil from amsoil in the 6 spd tranny i have some at home
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i hope i can use this and how much do i need to fill up six speed