Hi Fisher Thanks for the reply. I understand your exhaust temp is factored by many things. You are a two stroke fan, so am I . We were into racing Banshee's - bored , stroked, high compression , drag pipes, extended swing arms, etc , etc , etc. more money than my Harley. I have 4 kids all had exotic quads, Odyessys, Pilots, motorcycles, etc. We ran the big dunes from Idaho to Glamas. We tunes our bikes , turbo cars, and blown Jeeps with Pyrometers. Always gave us a base line for how the machines were running - depending on outside temp, humidity, altitude , terrain. Could not keep the kids from punching pistons without readout - high limit monitoring with lights - pyrometers. So I am very used to them. Run them now on all my Diesels. Have run them on our Sport Bikes, never a Harley. This 2006 Electra glide runs hotter than anything I have had. I do not like it,but that is the way, at this time, my bike is set to run. I have my probes about 5 inches from the head. With the wide band O2 sensor about 8 inches from the head. My bike is a 2006 open loop system. No O2 sensors in the loop. I took out the air temp guage in the dash and added the Innovative analog guage in its place. My O2 readings are all rich, to confirm this my mpg readings are down. To try and cool the exhaust, I add more fuel, with the Dobreck TFI ----- it did not drop the temp much and mpg went to 25. I know more fuel is being added from this. I mounted the O2 sensor in the pipe as far from the end of my exhaust as possible to have as little atmospheric influence as I could. I have a two to one Screaming Eagle Exhaust. I am using the pyrometers as a reference tool. I want to actually know what temps my bike is putting out with the fuel I am adding, and the corresponding O2 reading. I have used them a lot, they do not lie, I am trying to learn something here. Thanks for your help. I will reset my Harley Race Tuner to bring the O2 readings back in line. I always understand that I can do that. I know the bike will get hotter as I lean it out, and at first I was so unprepared for the temps that the bike was actually reading. Now your input, along with several other experts has led me to a more knowledgeable understanding of the actual temps these bikes run at. My service manager( a very rare guy - races HD's and is great with the race tuner ) had reset the race tuner for more fuel in several rpm ranges. I do know of a great dyno guy. I just want to see what I can do , and the readings of the bike before I let him have it. That way after he has set up his input into my ECU I can really see what O2 readings and temps my bike is running and how it corrolates to performance, fuel efficiency, etc. Your last comment why add TFI on top of tuner. My bike is EFI . Set it up here - hot steamy Florida - sea level - travel Colorado 10,000 ft cold, dry. Lots of diff. My bike does not operate in a closed loop, which it should . I just wanted the ability to fine tune the fuel, on the fly, without my computer. Maybe not necessary, maybe so . they are not expensive , in the Land of our High dollar Harleys.We used another of the Dobeck units on another HD we have, with out the race tuner modifiying the ECU. I works well. I taked to the Techs at Dobeck. They said this tuner works better after a Race tuner or Power comander. I enjoy trying to make the HD work better. I really enjoy the learing curve and intelligent input from knowledgeable guys like you. thanks again. I am going to keep trying. Mike