LOL, I wanted to ride my brother's honda 50 one year, now my brother is 5 years older than me, so I was pretty young if he still had the 50. He probably had the 80, and they put me on the 50. It was a Saturday night and we always had aunts, uncles & cousins to visit on Saturdays. This night, instead of spaghetti for dinner, we had a campfire and roasted hot dogs that weekend. (The fire is important later).
So I wanted to ride the motorcycle, I could do it they just had to give me a few pointers....('They' would be the same uncle who taught me to ride a bicycle by pushing me down the driveway and letting go as I'm gaining speed down the hill with no feet on the pedals). So, I'm on the bike, it's running, & my uncle is saying 'Okay, squeeze here, and twist this. Now when you want to go, just let go here'. Oh yeah, did I mention that I was on one side of the fire, straight across from my mom? So I let I'm twisting the throttle, then I let go of the clutch & off I go, straight through the fire, hitting my mom & knocking her over across the drive way, around the house just as fast as I could go in 1st gear because 'They' never told me how to change gears. 'They' finally caught me and got me stopped and said I couldn't ride any more.

What I put above IS all the information that I was given....knowing what I know now, I know I would have done much better had 'They' A) Lined me up oh, let's just say, not facing the fire, B) told me where the brake was, and C) maybe told me how to shift gears.....I am also thinking that 'They' had a lot of laughs at my expense when I was a kid.
I wouldn't change it for the world though, I lived through it and got a few laughs myself, but I never got to ride big brother's motorcycle again. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 at the time; and yes, they still tease me about riding through the fire.