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First upgrade

Here is the completed project... are these street legal??

Hill202 - keep your old muffler take-offs so you can put them on temporarily when registering or having the bike inspected...legistlation is coming that may "outlaw" certain mods just in case. :newsmile014:

FYI, in California some of the aftermarket manufacturers for mufflers and fuelers recently paid "fines" for "skirting" EPA sound and polution control standards.
correct no sneaking with them and i leave for work at 05.00 in the morning :D

I thought that was you Hobbit and I'm in the next county :lolrolling. Don't think my future SEs will be heard if I'm in your slipstream then??? What'm I talking about - I've read how fast you travel - I'll need to do something extra to my Sporty to keep up :D