I'm not normally a flame kind of guy, but that totally rocks on that bike. Man, I wish I could see it in person. I love looking at quality custom paint jobs. You certainly can be proud to own that one.
Thanks again to all.....here's the kicker though, I actually didn't pick it out. I was never a huge fan of flames and instead wanted to go with the Orange color of the flames only and maybe some tribal design. The Mrs. however convinced me (by way of this is what was sitting under the x-mas tree) that I could grow to like it, especially when she paid for the tins and paint.
Yes guys, you read that right.....she worked with Bart to strike up a deal and have Santa deliver them to me. Just before x-mas she began asking a bunch of questions about the year, model, whether they were considered Fat Bob tanks etc. Then, through e-mailed pictures of my bike they determined the correct tanks & fenders to order and paint up.
She told me it would have been sacrilegious not to like Orange & Black. It is the "Mothership" colors afterall. How could I argue with that?
She must have good taste to end up with me...although that's qustionable
Love how the paint turned out and Love her even more for what she does for me and puts up with:bigsmiley11: