The shoe string method is in the lower half of that thread.
What warranty ? Harley will just give you the runaround until it expires. Been there , done that. Mine is still under warranty for two years and after many attempts for them to find the problems , I gave up on having them fix any of the many problems.Seems to me that if it were a 2011, it should be under warranty and they should be able to fix it. Have them replace the caliper and then bleed it. I wouldn't want to be working on a brand new bike. If you mess something up, they could say it voids the warranty. Ya never know. Just my 2 cents (and it might not even be worth that much)
Good luck.
What warranty ? Harley will just give you the runaround until it expires. Been there , done that. Mine is still under warranty for two years and after many attempts for them to find the problems , I gave up on having them fix any of the many problems.
Thanks for this info.........I am having issues with my 2011 with ABS. Zero Brake lever sometimes. Dealer is o help so far after bleeding the system. Best Regards