Since a recent thread titled "cold weather riding" got off subject and on to food... We all have favorite things we like to eat and I assume things you will not or do not eat.... Let's discuss the things we DO NOT LIKE
For me it's liver..... think about's a FILTER. Your bike's oil filter takes out the contaminates in the oil flowing in your bike's engine. LIVER takes out the contaminates in you blood stream....
contaminate |kənˈtaməˌnāt|
verb [ trans. ] (often be contaminated)
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance : the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity | figurative the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public | [as adj. ] ( contaminated) contaminated blood products. See note at pollute .
i will try anything but i will not eat salad dressings or mayo never