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Foods You Will Not Eat

Any thing I like to eat my doctors hate. I won't eat:
My family's version of Jambalya
Any raw meat less than medium well
Raw fish like Sushi
Octopus unless it is dried
Horse radish

Since a recent thread titled "cold weather riding" got off subject and on to food... We all have favorite things we like to eat and I assume things you will not or do not eat.... Let's discuss the things we DO NOT LIKE

For me it's liver..... think about's a FILTER. Your bike's oil filter takes out the contaminates in the oil flowing in your bike's engine. LIVER takes out the contaminates in you blood stream....

contaminate |kənˈtaməˌnāt|
verb [ trans. ] (often be contaminated)
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance : the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity | figurative the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public | [as adj. ] ( contaminated) contaminated blood products. See note at pollute .

Hey just because something's toxic doesn't mean it's not tasty...:D
Should anyone ever meet me , you will doubt that I dislike any foods. However strange, almost all of the foods I dislike are associated with Thanksgiving:
Stuffing of any flavor
Cranberries (any style)
Yams (ewww!)
pumpkin pie
This will sound crazy from me since I'm from the south but I do not like pecans. The only nut that I like is peanuts. You can not beat boiled peanuts and cold beer.:cheers
Actually, I'm pretty much the epitome of the old commercial: "Give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything". If it's covered in hot sauce, that's even better.

I don't care for sushi. I'd rather use it as bait and catch some good fish to fry.
Also: Brussels sprouts, mountain oysters, hummus, babaganoush (?), raw cucumbers, raw bell peppers.