Jack Klarich
That is NOT what Donny wrote. Here's the section of the article verbatim where he discusses engine and gear oil. (Having read the above comments I figured it would be a good idea to read for myself what Donny actually wrote.)
From American Iron September 2010 Techline by Donny Petersen: Twin Cam Lubrication.
"Although it has been my experience that 80/90 gear oil works better at eliminating gear whine in a Big Twin transmission, others have had the opposite experience. Service managers at dealerships have told me that H-D has advised them to replace SYN3 with gear oil if there are noise issues like whining. While many think 80/90 gear oil is heavier than the 20W-50 SYN3, when both are tested at 100 deg C (212 deg F) 80-weight transmission oil is roughly equivalent to 20-weight engine oil. Furthermore, the SYN3, SAE50-weight oil component will test roughly the same as 90-weight gear oil. However, the viscosities between the two vary at lower temperatures, with the 80/90 gear oil being more viscous. Many riders like to substitute the words heavier or thicker for viscous. However, there are good reasons to use gear oil since it utilizes additives like sulphur compounds, which create acids in engine oils that preclude its usage."
"I feel uncomfortable using the same oil for three different applications that have specific, seperate needs. An engine is hot and dirty. A clutch needs cooling with lubricity for primary chain components. Transmission gears chop up molecules. Additives that help in one area may be detrimental in another. I guess the icing on the cake is that Harley-Davidson has a newly developed Formula+ in its primary chaincase and transmissions. However, I prefer specialized oil for each."
I stand corrected:s