It seems like a daunting task, but if you have the time, I would highly suggest doing it yourself. Also depends on if you want black or chrome forward controls. I went with black, so the option of leaving the shifter in place was not an option for me as I thought it would look tacky against all the black.
I cannot tell you how long it took on my '06 as I spread it over several days, 30 mins here and there. The primary side is by far the most difficult, but depending on your exhaust plan to remove your exhaust as well to get the mids off. Took one days draining and removing the primary (30 min, easy part), then after I let it all drain itself well, spent another hour removing the primary components, very carefully, and laid them on a black trash bag in order so I did not mess anything up (follow the manual closely here). I also made my own primary locking tool out of copper pipe worked pretty well, one of our sponsors here sells one for much cheaper if you do not want to make your own. Unbolt the starter and pull everything off, change out the shifter (the hole does not need to be covered up in the back, just the one in the front for looks primarily. Then spent another hour putting it all back together (hardest part was that darn metal clip by for the clutch, get the right tool for this, cause it is a pain). You'll need lock tite red and blue for the different areas. Now it is just time to attach everything, job is real straightforward now.
Good luck with it, invest in a manual and read up on primary removal. if you feel comfortable enough, go for it. I learned a ton about the bike in doing so, just take your time and do not rush it.