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Free iPod for a test ride?

When I received the SuperRide postcard in the mail I visited the dealer right away. My iPod arrived in about four weeks as promised.


You were one of the lucky ones. Many held up their end of the bargain and didn't get it. Shady from the time I stepped into the dealership to the time I get strung along only to be told Harley won't be fulfilling their end of the deal.

I just want to put this out as an FYI for anyone that is waiting and being told they are on a waiting list due to back order.
When I received the SuperRide postcard in the mail I visited the dealer right away. My iPod arrived in about four weeks as promised.

Not meaning to look a gift horse "in the mouth" HD logo on the unit or the box it came in...for some reason, I would have expected HD logo on the "skin"...:small3d007:
HEY...we went in to a HD dealership with our FREE I Pod giveaway flyer. BOUGHT a 2009 Crossbones and the dealer mailed in the free ipod card to corporate. After waiting so long and not receiving it. We called the corporate office and they looked up our name which they had on the list. They said they were out of the IPods and are NOT getting any more!!!! Has anyone esle gotten screwed with this deal?

WE EVEN BOUGHT A Harley!!!!!!! And, they have no plans or alternate giveaway item or anything!!!!???? What is up with that?