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Actually, I don't know if it is just me, but lately new tires that I have been getting seem to use more weights to compensate unbalance than before. Happened the same way on previous 2 motorcycles I have been changing tires on. Maybe they are allowing more manufacturing tolerance than before...hoping that more accurate assembly techniques of the inner plies/design technology would compensate. :newsmile079:
NewHD, I did not see that on this recent set of tires that I put on, but that is just 1 sample. These days I bet companies are scrambling to find ways to cut corners, reduce costs & raise prices. But please do it on a product that won't kill you if the cost cutting plan back-fires.
I can't stand lawyers just like the next guy, but class action suits must be taken against these giant companies when their greed over-rides the right thing to do.