Not trying to be critical brother made the cross over from a Yamaha to a Harley (I have always been a Harley rider from the 70's till now) and his first Harley was an 08 Super Glide (FXDC) with all the bells and whistles. From the day he bought the bike he swore there was a vibration that should not have been there. I rode his bike several diffrent times and even took it way, way above normal speed limits and never felt the vibration he was said was there. He ended up trading the bike in for another Yamaha. The point is some peaople are just more comfortable sitting on a pile of rice verse the rock solidness of a Harley. Do not get me wrong I will ride with anyone no matter what they ride, I am a believer that if you are willing to be out there on two wheels then you are ok in my book. My point is Harleys vibrate, they always have and the always will. it is just part of their charm and some people just cannot get used to it, my brother being one them and maybe you as well cannot get past the vibration. For those who are interested he ended up buying a Yamaha Road Star with all the bells and whistles. He is happy with the Yamaha and as far as he is concerned all is right in his world. It is just a matter of expectations.