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Frustrating Encounter

I've found it useful when, upom chance encounters with opinionated idiots, to walk away from them once their odiotic opinion starts to become recognizable.

It's best if done mid-sentence.


'Tis exactly how I dealth with it
I am sure that we all cross paths with people that "Just Don't Get It" in terms of what it means to be a true motorcyclist.

I own a consulting business and often do not let on that I am a biker with my clients and colleagues, just in case one of them has the same attitude as the security guard in the airport. I just don't have the time or patience for the bad attitude thing.

However recently I had a business related meeting with a fellow Engineer (my age) and during our meeting I noticed he was wearing a Harley Davidson ring. When the time was right I told him that I also rode an H-D and the entire tone of the meeting changed from being just another boring meeting to a "Let's get this meeting over with so we can talk about our bikes and share some riding stories."

Now when ever we meet for business, we have a common bond as fellow bikers and the subject quickly changes to riding our bikes. It's great when you can spend time talking with another Harley Davidson rider at the client's expense!

If the security guard at O'Hare airport only knew what he was missing........

Had a somewhat similar experience. I was filling in for an attorney at a deposition. He warned me before the deposition that his client was very hostile and routinely insulted the staff and used profane language when he talked to them.

The guy walks in and he's dressed in 1% biker garb. He is hostile until I mentioned that I also ride. He immediately changed his attitude. He became friendly and we discussed bikes before and after the deposition. He told me I was welcome to ride with his club whenever I wanted. The lead attorney called me the next day and asked what had happened. I asked him what he meant. He told me that the client had called the staff earlier in the day and he was very polite. They could not believe that he was the same person. He has been the perfect gentlemen with the staff in the two years since that deposition.