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Fuel leakage

Thanks for the advise!!

Hoop, if you go to the dentist, I mean HD dealer, let me know what they tell you about the leakage.

Thanks Hoop!!,

I'll go home this afternoon and check and see if there is any paint on the sealing area. Hopefull there is and it's removal will solve my problem.

Thanks to everyone!!\


Just wanted to give everyone an update......

I think mine is fixed too. I checked the seal on it after Hoople said something about the "paint" that was on his. There was some paint on mine too, so I cleaned it off, and so far, knock on wood, it hasn't leaked since.

The one thing that really upset me when it happened the first time, was that the gas came out when I had to stop really quick, and it flew up in my face! I'm just thankful that I ALWAYS ride with some klind of glasses!! I was in some really heavy traffic at the time and if it had gotten in my eyes...............

That coulda been ugly, specially with the little lady on the back!!!

This forum is the BEST tool that I have found for my bike. I won't do anything to it with out checking here first!!!!

Ride Safe and watch out for the other guy!!


Glad you got the problem sorted Wayne
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i wont fill any tank to the top on the side stand, once upright the tank is over full. have a look one day, stand the bike up with the cap off after you fill it up...