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Going from 25 mpg to 40 mpg (2 up) is a good lift in fuel mileage. I personally would not even try to re-map the current PC you now have. Power Commander makes their maps and mapping system too much of a secret if you ask me. I would not remove any hardware. Just get a fueler that works better and is easy to tune. If a TFI is available, try that.
Here is a PDF on performing the WOW test but I think you already know it because you said that you have cleared codes. If you continue to get codes, record the numbers and then clear them. Post what DTC numbers you find. You never gave any code numbers but said codes were thrown..
Here is a PDF on performing the WOW test but I think you already know it because you said that you have cleared codes. If you continue to get codes, record the numbers and then clear them. Post what DTC numbers you find. You never gave any code numbers but said codes were thrown..