Hey Guys!
Been off the keyboard more than on the last couple days, it's true!
Glider knows why, but I'll explain to the group, because, frankly, I am honored that I was actually missed a little!!
Cathy hit the big 5-0 a couple days ago!
YES! The woman seen below is now FIFTY!
So, we took her out on Friday, (her BD), with friends for dinner and Saturday with our three sons for dinner and today, well, we kinda spent a relaxing day at home, and co-incidentally, yes Glider, Cathy made her famous spaghetti and meatballs for everybody and we had a quiet dinner at home, which after two nights out was really nice!
Lew, Steve, and the rest of the guys, all the mods, and of course our Fearless Leader Glider, thanks for the inquiries!!!
(I actually miss not being on when I'm not around!)
I gotta get some quality time in here.....at the end of this week we leave for Maui for about 9 days!!!!! Looking forward to THAT!!!
Looks like ya got some class in your house, Rich. Very nice, too bad Cathy is the class act.:laugh
Glider knows why, but I'll explain to the group, because, frankly, I am honored that I was actually missed a little!!
Cathy hit the big 5-0 a couple days ago!
These jokes remind me of a favorite of mine.
Those of you old enough to have ridden the original English Triumphs will appreciate this:
"Why do the English drink their beer warm"?
"Because Lucas makes refrigerators!"
And he wears full gear at the motorcycle show which he drive to in cageyes, actually, when we lose the ability to look in the mirror and smile at ourselves, we also lose the ability to smile about anything else.
That said, yea, those jokes were all written by some poor guy who always wanted a Harley, (and still does), wears the Harley T-shirts, even has a black leather jacket, but parks his rice burner around the corner from the biker bar we hang at and then walks to the bar so no one will see it parked outside. The rice burner, by the way, is an 18 year old less then 400CC bike that he picked up with his paper route money, and he's drilled holes in the mufflers and/or taken out the baffles hoping to make it sound more like ours.
But hey, we ALL dream!!!!
I'm sure that's what the guy who passes me on the Expressway while I'm driving my Suburban thinks about ME as I gaze longingly at his Ferrari!