Jack Klarich
Supply and demand and speculation on wall street will continue to drive the price up IMO, it could be worse
About a month ago there was an article that stated OPEC (I believe it was OPEC) had declared the US economy could handle a $5.00 per gallon price. Since that time the price has slowly trickled up. In addition, several of the big oil companies have argued that the US will eventually be paying $5.00 per gallon, and of course they can directly influence the price, as they 'sort of' control it. However, the oil companies are using this as a ploy to get the US to lift the restrictions on drilling in the gulf, in hopes the US government will cave in and allow them to do such. Just last week Murphy Oil USA announced how they had moved off shore drilling to another area (a foreign shore) and lost millions (if not billions) because they didn't find enough oil to pay for the drilling.
It's not a matter of if we'll end up paying $5.00 per gallon; it's a matter of when we'll start paying $5.00. Some say we'll be to $4.00 by summer and $5.00 in 2012. Others declare $5.00/gal by 2015.
We can all say what we want, but in the end we have no choice but to pay the price at the pump.
Just my 2 cents worth. :small3d022:
Obama's no off shore drilling don't help at all. What,s wrong with ON shore drilling, would'nt the capital look good with a oil rig on the lawn, after all it is OUR lawn.![]()
Filled up in Michigan yesterday for $3.16 a gallon,came home and gas is $1.129 a litre ($4.30 gal.)
We export the gas that is used in the northern and mid west states,yet we pay over a dollar a gallon more for it.What's up with that???:bigsmiley30: