Well-Known Member
Anyone running gear driven cams, how do you like'm? any problems? more power? any noise? who makes em?Way to go or not? Thanks for any help:newsmile090:
I changed out my chain drives for ss570 g on my 2000 dyna...... Mine was the one with the little round bb sized ball-bearing on cams that had a problem com'n apart... 17000 mi. my shoes were chipped and worn BAD
I went with the 570ss gear drive -- 95" 10.25 teflon coated HD pist.--fueling oil pump & lifters(best lifters I've ever used)--delcron cam support plate--also manley valves n springs... ported and flowed by BOB GAGE of snohomish wa. ....(very glad I did it back then and it still runs great today....)
NO NOISE in gear drive and lots of getup n go .... no oil problems as "too much oil hanging in motor" which caused foaming oil problems hd would not address when they should have...
Harley went without a much need replacement design on their oil pumps and cam chains for many years and only finally in 07? was that problem addressed... The 08/09's came out with a good fix...BIGGER gears on oil pump and better cam chain design with a hyd. tensioner on them.....ALSO a hyd. tensioner on the chain-case drive has proven to work well....