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Going to be my first ride in the rain-Advice?

Thanks for all the great advice! Made it home safe and sound. I actually ran out of the rain about 1/2 way through the commute. Everything was still soaking wet and slick, but at least visibility was good.

Here is the kicker. About 10 minutes after i got home, the sun came out nice and bright and everything dried up! You can't fool mother nature!!
Glad you made it home ok. One other thing to think about when it starts to rain; is when it first starts, all the oil starts to get washed away. Which adds another factor to the wet road.
Glad you made it home ok. One other thing to think about when it starts to rain; is when it first starts, all the oil starts to get washed away. Which adds another factor to the wet road.

Another reason that roads are "greasy" after a dry spell is the rubber that wears off everybody's tyres comes off in the form of small beads,this lies in the texture of the surface of the road and then when it rains it floats up and you're riding on a carpet of "ballbearings" as the rain gets heavier it will wash away and the grip gets better.
Thanks for all the great advice! Made it home safe and sound. I actually ran out of the rain about 1/2 way through the commute. Everything was still soaking wet and slick, but at least visibility was good.

Here is the kicker. About 10 minutes after i got home, the sun came out nice and bright and everything dried up! You can't fool mother nature!!

That is so true about Mother Nature. Last october I made the commitment to ride my bike 400 miles one way. Just as I pulled out of my drive it begain to rain. It rained all the way and sometimes so hard I could not see at all. I would pull into a gas station and get a cup of coffee and just wait for it to slow down. Finally arriving at my destination..(the rest of the group in awe of what they called my stupidity) it was not even an hour when the sun came out and the rest of the day was beautiful. I might add that the trip back home rained also but only about half way back. But Alas I love my Harley Davidson and it is my tranquility no matter what.
Another reason that roads are "greasy" after a dry spell is the rubber that wears off everybody's tyres comes off in the form of small beads,this lies in the texture of the surface of the road and then when it rains it floats up and you're riding on a carpet of "ballbearings" as the rain gets heavier it will wash away and the grip gets better.
The guy who crashed his Indy 500 car on the last corner will agree with you about the small beads.
Another reason that roads are "greasy" after a dry spell is the rubber that wears off everybody's tyres comes off in the form of small beads,this lies in the texture of the surface of the road and then when it rains it floats up and you're riding on a carpet of "ballbearings" as the rain gets heavier it will wash away and the grip gets better.

..In corners thair has to be some rubber left on the tar. I know from racing cars A few years ago here in Maine..Now on the street, you have me wondering..:)
..In corners thair has to be some rubber left on the tar. I know from racing cars A few years ago here in Maine..Now on the street, you have me wondering..:)

If there was not fine particles of rubber left on the road your tyres would last forever
All of that rubber has to go somewhere

If there was not fine particles of rubber left on the road your tyres would last forever
All of that rubber has to go somewhere

I have to say, makes cents to me..I wish Id thought of this..Good thinking guys..:)
not sure if I missed it, but if it starts raining real hard I always throw on my 4 way flashers just to add to my visibility