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Going to see some Friends I haven't met yet...

Have a safe ride FerrousBueller. If you get a chance, take some pics and post 'em up.:bigsmiley12::cheers
Got into Phoenix about half hour ago. Gettitng myself settled in, fed, and cleaned up. I'll have a little more to add if I can stay awake. If you're all nice, I'll include more mileage stats.

I think Bodeen may be right, mileage stats can be pretty dry reading. My reason for checking them is NOT for penny pinching (there are other, more miserly bikes available). I check milelage often because I think it could be a first indicator of something gone wrong. I consider mileage to be just as important to check as tire pressure. Later today my MPG improved. That makes me think the early, lousy number was due to a bad fill up on uneven ground. That means I don't post another thread like the others asking "Why has my mileage gone done the toilet?"

Other observations today include several cagers showing extra caution. More than once during this ride a cage would signal a lane change then cancel after double checking and letting me pass. Also noticed several drivers getting out of the fast lane quickly when I flashed to pass. More specific to Arizona were drivers that would pass another vehicle then quickly move to the right and out of anyone elses way. Wish California would pick up that habit.

Last thing for this post is the remarkable good condition Arizona roads are in. What does Arizona know that California doesn't?
My reason for checking them is NOT for penny pinching (there are other, more miserly bikes available). I check milelage often because I think it could be a first indicator of something gone wrong. I consider mileage to be just as important to check as tire pressure. Later today my MPG improved. That makes me think the early, lousy number was due to a bad fill up on uneven ground.

A man that thinks like I do. :bigsmiley12:
Sounds like a Good trip so far, Enjoy your ride, be safe and KEEP up the journal it is GREAT:s
About 40 minutes ago I rolled back into my garage after a great ride of 430 miles. Ferrous, BUBBIE and myself did the whole route. Hogrotten rode to Superior, AZ for lunch then went back home from there. r_k_dragon came all the way from Yuma, AZ to have coffee with us this morning.

Some new friendships were made today. :s

I will post a few pictures later. :D

Spectacular ride today! Most of it was absolutley Breathtaking! I only have a few pictures to post, however, it wil lhave to wait a couple days. My moble device can' t load pictures from the camera. I plan to be home Monday (Tuesday?) :)

For me, this was more like a great conversation that also included a good ride. It was like reading this forum, but live, and lively! For this occasion I would have been just as content sitting around a table just Talking... about HD.

However, the ride was what it was about today, and what a ride it was! The Tank picked some of the best roads I've ever been on. I also liked the pace. I was often the slowest getting ready to go from each break but I had a little help from Bubbie. When he speaks, I just want to listen. In this group, it's easy to see that I'm still a little green in the skill department. It didn't seem to bother Tank a bit.

I would do it all over in a heartbeat with all of the these Friends that I've finally met!

CHEERS Gentlemen, and Thank You for having me along!
Ferrous, you didn't have to ride with your bike loaded down did you? While my friends wedding was very good, I cast many wandering thoughts as to how the meet and greet was going down there. Get back home safe.
Ferrous, you didn't have to ride with your bike loaded down did you? While my friends wedding was very good, I cast many wandering thoughts as to how the meet and greet was going down there. Get back home safe.

Jettisoned most of my gear in hotel room. Only took what I thought I needed. Good thing too, Needed hevier jacket when we got to Payson.

Had a great breakfest at Waffle House today. Rib Eye steak and eggs, biscuits, milk and of course...grits with butter. The meal was good and I also enjoyed watching all the employees interacting with one another. The place was loaded with atmosphere.

Packing up in a few minutes, heading out soon. Not sure where I'm going yet. That will make it more difficult to get lost.

More details as they become available.
