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Good Wife

Women like being Harley Women. The wife and I are both products of divorce, both by our choices. I was riding a Harley when we met so she knew what she was getting into. Soon as she became the wife of a Harley man,,, here came the boots, jacket, vest, glasses and so on. She was the one that wanted the custom rear wheel because it looked plain in the back and is the first one to notice a gadget the bike may need. So they love being seen on the back of Harley, and they want to look like a Harley Woman on it too.:bigsmiley17:
my wife is the best....last summer after 20+years of not riding or owning a bike (she wasn't with me then)...she say's 'a motorcycle would be nice...but if you get a bike it has to be a Harley'.... well I checked the local craigslist and found an 86 sportster (my first harley) for the right price and we loved it.... a few months later it was 'gotta have a bigger one' we have a 04 Heritage.... so now she's got her permit and is going to take a course to get her license... going to have to get her a nightster or something low as she is short.... but she still likes riding on the back of the Heritage...:bigsmiley16:
I think it great that the wife wants to ride my wife rides just have take a riders course befor she gets on the road.Good luck :ap:ap:ap:ap:ap
My wife rides as well. She actually agreed to take the MSF course in lieu of an anniversary present, and has her own bike. In fact, she fusses if I even mention riding 2-up. When boxes are left at the front door now, she doesn't even think twice about it; just asks what I ordered now, and says something to the effect of "it's a poor household that can't afford one Michael."