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Gooood Morning HD Talking!

The secret is THE PERCOLATOR!
We have this fancy dancy machine that grinds up whole beans than automatically sends the grinds down and makes the'd think it would make the best coffee in the world, (and it DOES make great coffee!), but guess what???

It STILL doesn't beat the old percolator that was my Mom's coffee maker for 40 years that STILL works great!! THAT old beat-up thing will still make better coffee than anything I have ever had before or since!
We have a Cuisinart that grinds and brews too and it does make great coffee. But another vote for the percolator, it makes the best. I belive that most coffee shops use percolators, but in commercial form??
Of course you all know what makes the perk coffee so much better..... it's the grinds that fall in to the pot while it perks. Adds to that great foldgers taste!
Man! it's great being off work with an outstanding holiday tied to it. What a way to start the day...A good cup of Foldgers Coffee and HD Talking. Fogged in here this morning, but suppose to be in the upper 70s.

Whatever you're putting in your coffee in the early a.m. I want to know what it is. You seem way too bright eyed and that other stuff.:p
Remember us old Georgia boys and do a ride for us.

Of course you all know what makes the perk coffee so much better..... it's the grinds that fall in to the pot while it perks. Adds to that great foldgers taste!

And Walt,
I just can't wait for some crunchy coffee.:s

But, I'm a drip kind of guy myself.
(yes, I can see where this is gonna go.) Free potshots.
Whatever you're putting in your coffee in the early a.m. I want to know what it is. You seem way too bright eyed and that other stuff.:p
Remember us old Georgia boys and do a ride for us.

Sledge is called B-I-B-L-E....the good stuff, I woke up again today....everybody Think for a minute??? what and where was the best cup of coffee you ever had? If I could find a cup that tasted like it smelt, that would be the best cup of coffee. I just have not found it yet. Kinda of like vanilla flavoring, the taste is bitter, but the aroma is awsome..
Love coffee in the morning. Still don't understand the Starbuck coffee fans, that coffee tastes so burnt and bitter to me. Favorite cup of coffee and where? Holiday Inn, Front Royal, Virginia about 15 years ago!!
Yep, only my parents had the clear knob on top so you could see the perk action...funny we just got an "airpot and coffee perculator" for the ol' grounds in the bottom of a steel pot...:)

As a kid loved it and the ol' German radio with the green tuning eye to get the best radio reception...gotta be careful...nobody remembers tube radios...but the wood on that sucker was beautiful! :6:

Do you mean something like this?

Wow that brings back memories. I remember when I was a little kid I would stand by the counter and wait for the coffe to start flowing up that stem and then cascade down the sides of that glass dome. And aroma was great. I've always been easily entertained.


Boy, you had me remembering that same thing. You branded us David.
I still have my family's old Grundig out in the garage.......I remember trying desperately to hear the "short wave" radio band......never knew until years later it needed to be hooked up to a REALLY big antenna to hear that!

Hey Richard, my ol' tech juices were just starting, I did the short wave DX thing, used bailing wire on the roof w/ 50' of wire...lucky we were in California, where there were no electric storms...also practiced cooking hotdogs from the inside out using two bent up nails on a 2x4 w/ zip applicance cord...Don't Do This At Home...! I was a pretty scary guy to be around in the neighbor...uh "-hood." :D
Coffee? It's 20 degrees here and 50 milie and hour winds. 12 inches of snow disappeared in a day because it hit 60 with tornados and heavy rain.
I'm cracking open another beer. I know, I know, it's 8:00am, but I can't ride anyway.
Coffee? It's 20 degrees here and 50 milie and hour winds. 12 inches of snow disappeared in a day because it hit 60 with tornados and heavy rain.
I'm cracking open another beer. I know, I know, it's 8:00am, but I can't ride anyway.

It's 5:00 pm somwhere:D